Canyon View Apartments will be situated on 5.06 acres of vacant land in Golden, Colorado. The location is positioned to the west of U.S. Highway 93 and to the north of Golden Gate Canyon Road. Previously, the property has been utilized for industrial purposes, including brick making, coal and clay mining, as well as serving as a construction yard and concrete batch plant.
In addition to the architecture and design, SEH devised a comprehensive remediation plan to address the arsenic contamination found at the site. This plan was formulated to meet the stringent requirements outlined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCUP).
Following the successful completion of the VCUP by CFC, the project is poised to enter its construction phase. This will involve the development of three apartment buildings, with construction scheduled to commence in the summer of 2024. The financing for this endeavor is facilitated through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).